The Undergraduate Assembly met in regular session on Tuesday, October 5, 1999, at 2:15 p.m. in the U.C. Concho Room. President Robert E. Witt presided.

ATTENDANCE: Dean Ron Bailey, Professors Rebecca Deen, Tom Watts and Donald Wilson were excused. Vice President Mary Ridgway, Dean Carolyn Barros, and Professor Debra Woody were absent.

INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: President Witt introduced new members of the Assembly: Carolyn Barros, Honors College; David Bernard, Biology; Rebecca Deen, Political Science; Michelle Kaumeyer, Student Congress; Don McConnell, Accounting; John McElroy, Electrical Engineering; Syed Qasim, Civil Engineering; Harry Reeder, Philosophy and Humanities; Sharon Smith, Student Congress; Peggy Swanson, College of Business Administration; Lee Wright, School of Architecture; and Michael Moore, chair of Faculty Senate.

ELECTION OF SECRETARy:. Registrar, Zack Prince, was nominated and elected to serve as Secretary.

ELECTION OF PARLIAMENTARIAN:  Mary Ridgway, Vice President for Undergraduate Academic and Student Affairs, was nominated and elected to serve as Parliamentarian.

CERTIFICATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATE:. Certification of degree candidates was delegated to the Registrar for the 1999-2000 academic year.

REPORT OF THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE:. Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Peggy Quinn, presented a proposal for a new degree program in the Department of Exercise, Sport and Health Studies within the School of Education; a Bachelor of Arts degree and Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Athletic Training. Brian Conway, Head Athletic Trainer, was available to answer questions raised by the Assembly. The terminology for elective courses was discussed. Some felt this terminology was unclear without listing elective options. Mr. Conway felt that while the classes are not used to show that competencies are being met, they will make the students better athletic trainers. A friendly amendment to the proposal was suggested to phrase this requirement as "additional required courses." Other amendments suggested: the footnote "H" on page 9 should be changed to "G"; MATH 2311 should be deleted from the degree plan as that is no longer a valid course; the word "Elective" will be removed from the Liberal Arts (3 hrs) requirement; and a computer competency requirement statement will be added. The proposed program as amended was approved by the Assembly.

REPORT OF THE REGISTRATION, CALENDAR AND SCHEDULING COMMITTEE:  Mr. Prince submitted the academic calendar for 2001-2002 for approval. Additional 8-week sessions have been added for fall, spring and summer, and intersessions are included. The committee feels the 8-week sessions are necessary to give students additional scheduling choices. Grade reports would be made available to the students enrolled in the 8-week sessions at the end of each session. A possible problem with the 8-week sessions could be in students having difficulty in scheduling classes across colleges in courses of different sessions. Mr. Prince explained that the committee feels the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. The possibility of a second 8-week session during a semester was discussed; however this would cause problems with reporting. Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Dana Dunn, explained that when a committee met to explore alternative scheduling, it recognized that massive reprogramming of our compilation and reporting systems would be necessary. Therefore, it is not practical at this time to have two shortened formats in one semester. President Witt responded to the question of how alternative formats would affect enrollment by saying that he feels offering students the flexibility to take courses in compact periods of time may not increase headcount, but may increase semester credit hour production. The proposed calendar for 2001-2002 was approved by the Assembly.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Prince proposed to the Assembly that meeting minutes be distributed to faculty and departments via the Web. Printed copies will still be sent to members. The Assembly approved this method of minute distribution.

REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT:. President Witt conveyed that he feels the University is starting to move in a new direction. Enrollment increases are an important part of this, but an equally important part is that more suggestions from faculty and administrators about new ideas and initiatives that they would like to undertake are coming forth. Student Congress and individual recommendations are also increasing. The academic community is beginning to think about UTA's future in terms of its possibilities and its promise instead of its constraints and problems. President Witt encouraged us to keep this transition moving forward. He feels that in a short time we will be producing enrollment and program strengthening initiatives that will not only result in UTA becoming financially stronger, but also taking steps toward enhanced academic quality.

ADJOURNMENT:. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.