The University of Texas at Arlington

Undergraduate Assembly



The Undergraduate Assembly met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 2000 at 2:15 p.m. in the University Center Concho Room. Provost George C. Wright presided.

Attendance. President Robert E. Witt, Professors Rebecca Deen, Jaime Rogers, and Tom Watts, and Dean Jeanne Gerlach were excused. Deans Carolyn Barros, and Elizabeth Poster, and Professor Craig Slinkman were absent.

Introduction of New Members. Provost Wright introduced and welcomed new members of the Assembly: Sue Beckham, School of Education; Khosrow Behbehani, Graduate Assembly, Paul Chippindale, Biology; Tom Chrzanowski, Faculty Senate; Farhad Kamangar, Computer Science Engineering, Suzanne Miles, School of Nursing, Chris Morris, History; Thomas Ryan, English, Chris Shook, Management; Rohan Theophilus, Student Congress.

Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the April 25, 2000 meeting were approved as distributed.

Election of Parliamentarian. Vice President Mary Ridgway was elected as Parliamentarian.

Update on Publicity for Media. Donna Darovich, Director of Public Affairs, informed the Assembly that over the past year, UTA has gained national publicity. Media connections are made through different resources, one being the guide produced by Public Affairs, which lists, by category, name and contact information for faculty members who can speak to that subject. Ms. Darovich requested Assembly members to complete the expert information form and send to her. This information is not published on the web; it is distributed only to the news media.

Certification of Degree Candidates. Registrar Zack Prince stated that Regents Rules require that each year the Assembly have the faculty certify degrees or delegate the authority to respective deans or the registrar. Motion was passed to delegate this authority to certify degree candidates to the registrar.

Report of the Registration, Calendar and Scheduling Committee. Mr. Prince presented the proposed calendar for 2002-2003. If approved, this calendar will appear in the next catalog. The eight week sessions have been withdrawn due to the fact that programming could not be completed in time for the next catalog date to allow these sessions to stand alone. The proposed calendar was approved by the Assembly.

Report of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Committee Chair Peggy Quinn presented the following proposals that were approved by the Assembly.


College of Science

Department of Biology

Change the current Bachelor of Science Degree to include six options: (1) General Biology for students who want a basic background in biology; (2) Biotechnology, which is intended to prepare students for laboratory-oriented careers in research and biotechnology industries; (3) Environmental Biology, which will prepare students to enter a wide range of environmental professions; (4) Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental and Pre-Veterinary Biology, which provides the most suitable combination of courses to prepare students for the study of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine; (5) Pre-Allied Health for students training in most fields of Allied Health; (6) Forensics, which will prepare students for a career in biological forensics by emphasizing relevant courses in biology and related disciplines.

Add a new Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology primarily for students who desire teaching certification in biology or for students going into other fields of biology that require less math and chemistry.

Change BIOL 4315 Change in prerequisites for General Endocrinology

Add BIOL 4350 Conservation Biology

BIOL 2300 Introduction to Biostatistics

BIOL 3305 Scientific and Technical Writing

BIOL 4179 Directed study (1-3 hours)

BIOL 4279 Directed study (1-3 hours)

BIOL 4379 Directed study (1-3 hours)

BIOL 4352 Forensic Biology

Department of Psychology

Add a Combined degree for Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Business Administration.

Add a Combined degree for Bachelor of Science and Master of Psychology with Industrial/Organizational Emphasis.

Department of Mathematics

Add a degree option in Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Add MATH 1323 Pre-Calculus

Other Business. Professor John Wickham requested that the Engineering Geology option, which was tabled in a previous meeting, be removed from the table and considered by the Assembly for approval. This option was tabled in order to study the use of the term "engineering." The law was reviewed as well as procedures of other universities. The law restricts individuals from using the term "engineering" for business and professional uses, but does not restrict how academic institutions can name their programs. This option was removed from the table and approved by the Assembly.

Remarks by the Provost. Provost Wright said that on the date enrollment figures were published in the Shorthorn for the fall semester, two state representatives and another representative’s aide were visiting campus and commented on the progress and initiatives of the University. The Provost feels it speaks well for the University as we begin a legislative session with state leaders feeling good about the University. He asked that all members return to their units and encourage colleagues to continue their efforts in building the University’s enrollment and retention.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.




Zack Prince

